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How to Utilize the Elden Ring Once You Have Defeated Rennala Queen of the Full MoonFollowing the Con

How to Utilize the Elden Ring Once You Have Defeated Rennala Queen of the Full MoonFollowing the Con

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Players will have the opportunity to speak with a wide variety of other demigods while they are exploring Elden Ring

Players will have the opportunity to speak with a wide variety of other demigods while they are exploring Elden Ring. The action of this battle will take place within the luxurious library that is a component of the Raya Lucaria Academy. After completing the dungeon, they will have to make a decision about what they should do next. This boss will present a greater challenge than the one that came before it. However, after the players have successfully vanquished Rennala, they are no longer required to limit their exploration to the regions immediately surrounding them, such as Liurnia and Caelid; new opportunities are waiting for them. The Carian Queen is typically the second major Shardbearer that players take down after they have defeated Godrick, who is the first major Shardbearer that players typically take down in the game. The areas that the players have avoided up until this point will also have plenty of activities for them to engage in.



Several Elden Ring NPC Questlineselden ring hyetta


1. It is not a bad idea to go back and continue the stories of the non-playable characters that can be found all over Liurnia, Limgrave, and even Caelid after Rennala has been vanquished in Elden Ring

2.  These characters can be found in Caelid, Limgrave, and Liurnia

3.  These particular characters can also be found in the worlds of Caelid, Liurnia, and Limgrave

4.   Caelid, Liurnia, and Limgrave

5.  Caelid and Limgrave are the only locations in which it is possible for the stories of some of these NPCs to be continued

After you have completed all of the tasks that needed to be done at Caria Manor, you should make your way to Elden Ring in order to start Ranni's questline. The location of Ranni's can be found directly in the middle of the map. The location of Seluvis's Rise can be found a short distance away from Ranni's.

You will need to travel to the Rose Church, which can be found to the south of the Raya Lucaria Academy, in order to proceed with Varre's questline. The Rose Church can be found in the south.

Talk to Diallos, who can be found in Academy Gate Town, which is situated to the southeast of the Raya Lucaria Academy in Raya Lucaria.

After you have finished your exploration of the Lakeside Crystal Cave, you will be able to begin Latenna's questline. This will happen as soon as possible. Keeping this in mind is absolutely necessary because it is a very significant point. You will find Latenna and her wolf just a few steps beyond the room that is occupied by the boss, close to a grace that can only be accessed by traversing this particular mini-dungeon. You can only get to the grace by completing this particular mini-dungeon.

One possible response to the question of what happens after Rennala is the beginning of the search for additional demigods. This is just one of many potential outcomes among many. There is a good chance of this happening. However, in order for players to enter Leyndell, they only need two Great Runes, and getting to Morgott, also known as the Omen King, is not a difficult endeavor for them.

A Legacy Dungeon known as Caria Manor can be discovered in the most remote part of Liurnia's northwestern region. It is absolutely necessary that you go to the manor in order to finish off this Legacy Dungeon. In the region of Liurnia is where you'll find the Albinaurics' Village.

You should finish exploring the Lakeside Crystal Cave, but you shouldn't use the teleporter just yet because there is another quest chain nearby that you should investigate. If you use the teleporter, you will miss out on some important information. You can get to Caelid by taking the road that leaves Limgrave in the direction of Caelid. You can also meet him on the other side of the tunnel, but if you do that, you won't be able to open the door. Another option is to go through the tunnel. Going through the tunnel is yet another choice you have.

If players embark on an adventure that takes them through Sellia, also known as the Town of Sorcery, they will have the opportunity to advance to higher levels in Caelid, the Church of the Plague, and the Dragonbarrow. Players will also be able to gain access to the Dragonbarrow.

You can obtain the Dectus Medallion (Right) by making your way to Fort Faroth, which can be found in the Dragonbarrow area of Caelid. On the other hand, if you choose to complete D's questline, which provides you with the opportunity to teleport here from Limgrave, getting to this location will be a lot less difficult for you to achieve.

The players should finish their exploration of the underworld by traveling to two different underground locations before entering the legacy dungeon with the third demigod. This should be done before the players enter the dungeon with the third demigod. Despite this, the vast majority of this region and several of the areas that are connected to it can't be accessed until much later in the game. This includes both the main region as well as the connected areas.

The other location is the Siofra River, and the only way to get there is by going through the Siofra River Well, which can be found in the Mistwood of Limgrave close to the Minor Erdtree. You can reach the other location by following these instructions.
